最近在網路上看很多鄉民都很推薦【最新出版】 [107美國直購] 溫控器 Lennox iComfort Wi-Fi Touchscreen Thermostat -大家都搶買
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於是開始上網查了許多【最新出版】 [107美國直購] 溫控器 Lennox iComfort Wi-Fi Touchscreen Thermostat -大家都搶買 文章、開箱、評價、心得分享等資訊後,

Touchscreen Thermostat with Touchscreen Operation, Remote Access, One-Touch Away Mode
iComfort Wi-Fi? makes it easy to adjust the home's temperature and control energy costs from anywhere in the world, using a smartphone, tablet or laptop.
One-Touch Away Mode overrides the regular programming schedule when homeowners are away and automatically turns down heating or cooling to save energy
超值推薦流行 Multiple programming options for a single day or an entire week put homeowners in control of their comfort and energy costs.
Automatic changeover between heating and cooling, as well as humidification and dehumidification, helps control energy costsProduct description
iComfort Wi-Fi? Touchscreen Thermostat with Touchscreen Energy Efficiency ?Wi-Fi capability allows adjusting the temperature from a smartphone, tablet or laptop to save from the costs of sudden changes in plans or weather. ?One-Touch Away Mode overrides the regular programming schedule when homeowners are away and automatically turns down heating or cooling to save energy. ?Multiple programming options for a single day or an entire week put homeowners in control of their comfort and energy costs. ?Automatic changeover between heating and cooling, as well as humidification and dehumidification, helps control energy costs. ?Temporary and vacation hold settings allow your customers to set a constant energy savings temperature at the touch of a button. Home Comfort ?iHarmony? zoning system compatible to eliminate hot and cold spots in the house. ?Programming fan option with the choice of continuous or intermittent air. ?Automatic control of whole house humidity systems, based on programmed setpoints, enhances the comfort and quality of the home's air. ?Optimizes performance when installed with a premium Lennox system. ?Precise Comfort Plus holds a temperature to within 0.5 degrees or less, when paired with a Lennox modulating furnace. Reliable Performance ?Automatic system set up reduces installation and its set-up time.* ?Automatic self testing to guarantee perfect installation every time.* ?Detailed diagnostics report to tell you exactly what's going on.* ?Maintain constant communication with Lennox premim equipment for a higher level of comfort control and system performance.百貨優惠必買清單 ?Optimizes performance when installed with a premium Lennox system. ?Quality you and your customers can trust with reliable, time-tested components. Only when paired with Lennox premium equipment. Lennox Catalog #10F81 Model/P/N Comfort Wi-Fi Base Unit of MeasureUnit(S) Product Depth1 IN Product Height5 IN Product Width7.5 IN Gross Weight2LB Length9.75 INProduct information
Technical Details
Part Number iComfort Wi-Fi
Product Dimensions 9.8 x 7.5 x 5 inches
推薦產品 Batteries Included? No
Batteries Required? No

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聯邦初選將至 亞裔議題國會參選人表態
亞太裔投票聯盟(APA Voice)22日於法拉盛舉辦記者會,公布亞裔選民集中的國會眾議員第5、12、14選區民主黨初選參選人對該組織包含教育、槍控、健保、移民政策及2020人口普查等亞裔移民社區關注問題的問卷調查回應,並呼籲選民在本月26日的聯邦期中選舉初選中積極投票。
此次收回的問卷包括第五選區現任國會眾議員米克斯(Gregory Meeks)及其挑戰者Mizan Choudhury和Carl H. Achille;第12選區現任國會眾議員梅隆尼(Carolyn Maloney)及其初選對手Suraj Patel;第14選區現任國會眾議員克勞利(Joseph Crowley)及其挑戰者Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez。
而對於移民政策,克勞利則表示,他反對任何努力擺脫以家庭為基礎的移民體系,也反對限制移民福利。梅隆尼則指出,她支持恢復「童年抵美暫緩遣返計畫」(DACA),致力推動夢想法案,並表示應為移民,難民,以及尋求政治庇護者提供機會,使其能擔保家人來美。梅隆尼初選對手、印度裔的Suraj Patel則特別指出,她會阻止聯邦政府對H-1B簽證的打壓,並且恢復H-1B簽證的配偶工作許可項目。