最近在網路上看很多鄉民都很推薦【省錢達人】 [107美國直購] 智能溫控器 Echo Dot - Black + ecobee4 Smart Thermostat -超怕買不到的

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This bundle contains the Echo Dot and the ecobee4 Smart Thermostat.
Connect the Echo Dot and ecobee4 to control by voice or use the ecobee4's built-in Alexa Voice Service.
Echo Dot (2nd Generation) is a hands-free, voice-controlled device that uses Alexa to play music, control smart home devices, make calls, send and receive messages, provide information, read the news, set music alarms, read audiobooks from Audible, control Amazon Video on Fire TV, and more.
Connects to speakers or headphones through Bluetooth or 3.5 mm stereo cable to play music from Amazon Music, Spotify, Pandora, iHeartRadio, and TuneIn. Play music simultaneously across Echo devices and speakers connected via cable with multi-room music.
超值推薦流行 Includes a built-in speaker so it can work on its own as a smart alarm clock in the bedroom, an assistant in the kitchen, or anywhere you might want a voice-controlled computer.
Hears you from across the room with 7 far-field microphones for hands-free control, even in noisy environments or while playing music.
Always getting smarter and adding new features, plus thousands of skills like Uber, Domino's, DISH, and more.Echo Dot (2nd Generation) is a hands-free, voice-controlled device that uses Alexa to play music, control smart home devices, make calls, send and receive messages, provide information, read the news, set music alarms, read audiobooks from Audible, control Amazon Video on Fire TV, and more
Connects to speakers or headphones through Bluetooth or 3.5 mm stereo cable to play music from Amazon Music, Spotify, Pandora, iHeartRadio, and TuneIn. Play music simultaneously across Echo devices and speakers connected via cable with multi-room music.
Call or message almost anyone hands-free with your Echo device. Also, instantly connect to other Echo devices in your home using just your voice.
Controls lights, fans, TVs, switches, thermostats, garage doors, sprinklers, locks, and more with compatible connected devices from WeMo, Philips Hue, Sony, Samsung SmartThings, Nest, and others
Hears you from across the room with 7 far-field microphones for hands-free control, even in noisy environments or while playing music
Includes a built-in speaker so it can work on its own as a smart alarm clock in the bedroom, an assistant in the kitchen, or anywhere you might want a voice-controlled computer; Amazon Echo is not required to use Echo Dot
Always getting smarter and adding new features, plus thousands of skills like Uber, Domino's, DISH, and more

Room sensors: they measure temperature and occupancy allowing you to achieve the comfort settings you want in the rooms that matter most. One room sensor included, 2-packs sold separately
Save money: ecobee uses Advance sensing, external weather data, and learns your HVAC system to save you up to 23% on your heating and cooling bills* compared to a hold of 72 degrees
Great compatibility & reliability: Ecobee4 works with the vast majority of residential HVAC systems. Check your compatibility by using the compatibility checker on the ecobee Website. 3yr warranty provided
Easy install: installation takes approximately 30 min and we provide in-app Guided videos to make it easy. No c-wireno problem - use the power extender kit included in the box
Works with your smarthome ecosystem: Amazon Alexa, Google assistant, Apple homekit, microsoft cortana, Samsung SmartThings, wink, IFTTT - Ecobee4 works with them all
比價特惠 Alexa built-in with speakers and microphones: its like having an Amazon echo dot built right into your thermostat!*本周最新折扣 some Alexa functionality not supported - see Alexa section belowProduct information
Style:ecobee4 + Echo Dot
Technical Details
Color Black
Style ecobee4 + Echo Dot
ASIN B07BCK6D77戰利品活動商品享好禮開箱炫耀文



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侯友宜征戰新北 藍最快11日通過提名
周錫瑋承認敗選 籲黨內團結贏新北
初選獲勝 侯友宜:有信心贏市長選戰
侯友宜民調勝出 周錫瑋:不脫黨參選
提鄭南榕自焚案 周錫瑋:選舉策略








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