最近在網路上看很多鄉民都很推薦【超人氣產品】 [107美國直購] Fibaro 水感測器 Z-Wave Flood Sensor FGFS-101 -大家都搶買
看了【超人氣產品】 [107美國直購] Fibaro 水感測器 Z-Wave Flood Sensor FGFS-101 -大家都搶買覺得好心動,不過我再買任何東西之前一定會做好功課,
於是開始上網查了許多【超人氣產品】 [107美國直購] Fibaro 水感測器 Z-Wave Flood Sensor FGFS-101 -大家都搶買 文章、開箱、評價、心得分享等資訊後,
The Ultimate Z-wave water leak sensor/detector, with temperature and tilt sensor.
Get alerted immediately on your smart phone, tablet, or email when there is a leak. Trigger certain lights, activate specific scenes or even sirens to activate if there is a threat.
Three 24K plated gold telescoping feat always make sure its making contact even on uneven surfaces and never corrodes. Built for longevity..
Built in temperature sensor alerts through your smart hub's app and visually/ audibly at sensor if there is a sudden rise or fall in temperature.
Z-Wave Certifed Sensor: Certification ID ZC08-14070006 / Frequency Region: U.S./Canada/Mexico, Z-Wave Library Version: 4.55.00 **NOT HomeKit Compatible.
Product description
TILT SENSOR Detects tilt and movement over 15 degrees. It will also alert you of any attempt to move or tamper with the device. ALARM SIREN Built in alarm siren will help you react quickly in case of a flood, rapid temperature change, or attempt to tamper with it. TELESCOPIC PROBES Fibaro Flood Sensor is the only one in the World to perfectly work on uneven surfaces thanks to gold telescopic probes, which are flexible enough to compensate for uneven surface levels. IN / OUT Input terminal allows for connecting an external probe and installing the sensor in any location. Output terminal allows for connection to an alarm system. VISUAL INDICATOR LIGHT Aside from the alarm siren, the device can alert you of a threat using color displays from the built in RGB diode. TAMPER PREVENTION Specially designed enclosure contains a tamper button, protecting it from being opened unintentionally. BATTERY POWERED A single battery is enough to power the Sensor for 2.5 years. TEMPERATURE SENSOR Built in temperature sensor may be used to manage a floor heating system or serve as a fire alarm sensor, by detecting rapid temperature rise. Hard wired Power or battery You can power the Flood Sensor by 12/24 VDC or a battery which will last 2,5 years The Sensor allows for integration with almost any available wired alarm system on the market. The Sensor allows for sending alarm notifications via wires or wirelessly. Visual Color Display One look is enough to find out what happened, thanks to the colored indicator light. Depending on the Flood Sensor's built-in LED illuminated color, you will know whether the Sensor has detected water, or a decrease / increase in temperature. With its built-in Z-Wave range tester you can easily determine whether the place you chose for the Sensor allows for communicating with the main controller or maybe you will have to use an external wired probe, to ensure the Sensor's proper operation.
Pa團購人氣產品熱賣產品rt Number flood sensor
Item Weight 3.2 ounces
Product Dimensions 1 x 2.5 x 2.5 inches
Item model number FGFS-101 ZW3
Batteries 1 CR123A batteries required.
Si網路熱銷產品推薦產品ze 3.80' x 3.70' x 1.40'
Color White
Power Source Battery
Item Package Quantity 1
Coverage 300 Sq. Ft
Certification not_applicable
Included Components優惠專區精選優惠 Sensor, Manual, Battery
Shipping Weight 3.2 ounces
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【羅開新聞中心Thomas綜合報導】女子日巡周六在千葉縣的Camellia Hills Country Club(卡梅莉亞丘鄉村俱樂部)完成總獎金一億八千萬日圓的Earth Mondahmin Cup(蒙達明盃)第三回合賽程。日本選手成田美壽壽(Misuzu Narita)今天交出低標一桿的七十一桿,以三天低於標準十二桿的兩百零四桿,單獨領先五十四洞成績榜。
六月上旬才在兵庫縣的Rokko kokusai Golf Club(六甲國際高爾夫俱樂部),歷經四洞延長賽拿下Suntory Ladies Open Golf Tournament(三得利女子公開賽),成田美壽壽以總獎金41,109,633日圓,年度獎金榜暫居第五。
福田真未(Mami Fukuda)在兩天七十桿後,今天打出六十六桿,以三天低標十桿的兩百零六桿,獨居成績榜第二位。暫居獎金榜第九名的我國選手姚宣榆今天打出六十九桿,以低於標準九桿的兩百零七桿,與韓國籍前世界球后申智愛(Jiyai Shin),並列在第三位,離領先者不過三桿差距。
上週勇奪Nichirei Ladies(日惹女子賽)的鈴木愛(Ai Suzuki),衛冕戰的第三天打出六十七桿,與日本同胞岡山絵里(Eri Okayama)、大城紗月(Satsuki Oshiro)、石川明日香(Asuka Ishikawa)、酒井美紀(Miki Sakai)、佐佐木笙子(Shoko Sasaki)、泰國女將Onnarin Sattayabanphot(歐娜琳•莎塔雅班佛)、韓國選手安宣柱(Sun-Ju Ahn),八人同以低標八桿的兩百零八桿,並列在第五位。
同期間在Grandee Nasushirakawa Golf Club(那須白河高爾夫俱樂部)進行的Dunlop SRIXON Fukushima Open(福島公開賽),第三回合戰情激烈,日本視覺系球星石川遼(Ryo ISHIKAWA)今天打出低標十桿的六十二桿,與領先出發的山岡成稔(Narutoshi Yamaoka),兩人同以低標十四桿的兩百零二桿,並轡領先五十四洞成績榜。
日本選手香妻陣一朗(Jinichiro KOZUMA)今天飆出十二鳥、無柏忌的六十桿,與、時松隆光(Ryuko TOKIMATSU),同以三天低標十三桿的兩百零三桿,並列在第三位。
日本雙雄秋吉翔太(Shota AKIYOSHI)打出六十六桿與交卡六十九桿的池田勇太(Yuta Ikeda),兩人同以低標十二桿的兩百零四桿,並列在第五位。